Saturday, March 21, 2015


The (mostly) helpful (kind of hopeful) curiosity I have is coming back. Slowly creeping out like the plant life is starting to. I just keep reconfirming the momentum I'm taking up... It might feel like I'm moving at a snail's pace, and I might be but the point is getting there.

I went to the art group I sometimes attend yesterday and it was really good to have a discussion on this specific topic. Part of being around the occasional people and or persons is to relate and know you're not alone. That's just what yesterday did for me. A really awesome person I know is kind of in the same boat. She struggles a bit more than most people too but has an idea of when to step back and when to push on.

Admittedly, I've been a little stubborn and or hesitant to step back. Because I feel like if I'm not working on, my body, or the end of my poetry I'm trying to publish, or finding the first job that haven't settled for and especially the sound stuff. I find the day goes by infinitely quicker. Do I feel like I've done most of what I wanted and or needed to do sure! But there's still this itch. With working out I can say I'm going to do this for the day, do it and turn it off till tomorrow, simple as that. I find it interesting that I also have a similar problem with accomplishment. It's easy to be struggling and get discouraged and stop. Interestingly, I've noticed that once I've had a breakthrough or feel particularly proud of something. I feel like I have completed the day and it's time to stop... When in reality, Should keep going either way.

But anyways back to where I was kind of trying to go on with this. I feel the positive vibes can only feed into the motivation. Thus I need to seek them out and go out and find like-minds and connect. Last weekend I went to one of my favorite places and I spoke to everyone I saw that day. What's more is I initiated the conversations. For the most part they were one on one or I was talking to two at the same time but I still felt very excited. I plan on going to a drum circle on Tuesday to fulfill three things. 1, Possibly meet some cool people, 2, I love percussion and there will be free drums provided, 3, it's in a place that I love where I can get some nice tea.

The rest of the year, (as it had been last year) is pretty much laid. I feel like this is a pattern now. I know I want to have the poems together by the end of April, have them edited and arranged by August, and have them published by the end of the year. (As a side note I know that I want 1 hardcover for  me, 30 paperback prints to "distribute" and have all of the rest in an Ebook. )

I also know about earlier mentioned fun things, like going to the nude resort next month, and weird Al concert in may, the nude 5k. Florida. But I know I'll take my final classes this year too and what they are. So if nothing else I know the blueprints for the year.

Yup Yup, A happy healthy mind for this grey day. <B

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome! I'm glad you broke past that social anxiety and spoke to everyone. Sounds like things are looking up =D
