Sunday, December 4, 2016

Textual healing

Guess we're starting this post over hehe.

So I'll start off with where I left off, the earlier pieces being insignificant.

This year has offered much in the way of growth and thus for me, enlightenment (not of the religious sort). I'd like to share my morning.

I initially woke up irritated and feeling like a fat sack of shit. Fair enough. But I kept on with my routine. That is, until I remembered... I forgot to charge both my phone and my Ipod last night. 

Now, this may seem like a minute detail but for me it's a bit trickier than that. I've always been hard on myself, and to some degree no matter how small, probably always will.

The plugs where I work out (the sunroom of the house we keep closed off) were both occupied... I had to break routine. Which, for me is not so great to say the least. So, I calmly sat down in from of the electric fireplace/space heater and "meditated". I say "meditated" Because I've never quite understood the concept in full.

Anyways, I sat there in concentration legs folded back straight before the heater and the candle atop of it. I asked myself some questions. For the most part, I simply answered them. That! Is a triumph of its own! To answer without the paralysis over over-thinking.

<When will we (yes, when I think, I kind of divide myself) work out?

>Noon, or be done by 3.

<Well then, what's next?

>Breakfast... but I hate picking what to eat.

<Think harder. Take your time.

After that I made a good breakfast and have a good concept of how the day will go.

*shrugs* Positivity.