Monday, March 27, 2017

Look ma!

All in all today's been quite great.

•Forgot something for class it turns out I ended up not needing today.

•Got out of class 32 minutes early, because for whatever reason I was energized.

•Got a haircut.

•Got a deal on my styling gel. What's usually 20 ish for one at meijer, I got 2 for the same price.

•Got my nudist magazine from the UK. Which honestly, I was expecting that at least 3 weeks from now. I ordered it on Saint Patricks day. I have stuff coming from the United States that aren't that expedient.

• Finally, all I have to study today is math, for I have a test tomorrow. I understand it, I just want to help thicken the pot so to speak. I have a 98% last time I checked, and I wish very much to keep in the 90s.

Hopefully all goes well tomorrow.  Not just with the test but with the weather. I am having a Brazilian wax done. These things aren't cheap, especially if you're a first timer.

Kinda goes without saying that I don't entertain the thought of taking a Lyft there. The hope is that weather permitting, I can ride my bike. I'd count that 70 minute round trip  ride as my exercise for the day! Combined with the evasion of Lyft cost, and being crammed into a slimy germ wagon, getting exercise, and enjoying the day... just can't be beat.

Have a good one. Open some windows!!

Friday, March 24, 2017



Okay, okay, back to business! Making up for lost time indeed... indeed. Like my redundant wording? I don't let's stop that -make me!

So I believe I was going to express the addictions in better depth huh? Well, as I have said I have managed to avoid my hand giving me fellatio for almost 2 whole weeks! That is a mile stone if ever there was one. I have not watched porn... in the traditional sense.

You see, when you have an addiction it's mostly mental. Chemical shifts and the like (for me this is something I can physically feel churning about in my frontal lobe. It simultaneously saps my energy and I am left with 3 options. 1.) I can take the old stick shift for a drive. Get the adrenaline pumping hardcore this is to avoid the sleepiness. Tricky no? 2.) I can eat to battle the mental fog- Which leads to over-eating and or eating mass quantities of food. For those of you who know me and are rolling your eyes... Stop it because this is something that is real. Just because I am not morbidly obese does not mean I don't have a problem with food. Eating 3 bags of sand which cookies over the span of a weekend is not cool. Especially when those 3 individual bags are devoured in 3 individual sittings. This makes me feel gross and in turn leads my hand to the appendage of love... omg that's terrible. Once this cycle has completed itself it's worked! No longer tired... Just guilt laden and resistant to do anything else the rest of the day. Finally 3.) I can avoid either by taking a nap. Makes sense right? Give the brain what it's asking for!

I've been taking naps and I've been seeing a veer away from my self-destructive habits.
It's seemingly working. Not only do I feel a lot better, but I am more focused etc. It makes sense to take a detour if it's going to aid in the overall scheme of things.

That being said, I need to try and see the entire picture. I need to have an aerial view of things.
I'll give an example.
A couple of months ago I was watching the news. I heard about some sort of ultimatum involving a little hole in the ground. The way they presented their options were the only ways possible: they could fix it quickly and cheaply saving the city money or, they could take more money from the city now and efficiently fix the issue. The answer was obvious to me. Yes, I understand that it will suck having raised taxes for a minute. But really... what's worse? The very real threat of the hole spontaneously opening again, and then having to fix it again or paying the money to fix it from the get go.
Better yet, in the long run, you might even be saving money, it's just a matter of impatience. Because shelling out money in small increments adds up. Might as well save up... put the money out and have everything be A-okay.

SO easy to offer sage thoughts when it's not your choice.

Anyways, back to porn. So, addictions are a bit funny. Even if you stop the intended habit of online pornography (again 12 days clean) you're brain will offer up alternatives - much like someone who's on a diet rationalizes drinking a six pack of soda to one regular sugar because "it's healthy". Convincing, but false. Tempting but devilish. My mind has been like... look up nude art on amazon, that's not "bad" is it? If I can feel the aforementioned chemical shift in my head... then yeah, I must say no. I even considered doing something sketchy... attaining my smut the old fashioned way...
Yup, the liquor store baby. The smut laden, sobriety smashing, powerhouse of questionable wares.
Luckily for me I had a few deterrents.

1. It was like 10 am...
2. I don't want to be perceived as a smoker.
3. I don't want to be perceived as an alcoholic. Which, I totally would visiting one at such an early time of day.

Needless to say I've been having to avoid the web for the most part... at least for awhile. I know this sounds 'crazy' if you can't comprehend it. But it's completely logical. What do you do with a child if they can't handle something? You take it away don't you? Even for a little bit?
As I have said earlier, yeah I'll use the web sparingly. But not for idle searching... it's just too much. I get lost. I have an addictive personality and can easily get lost for hours in the most trivial of affairs.

I'm trying to dial back to the 90's in a way you might say. Personally I didn't really have the internet in the 2000's. I did but in very brief moments. If I wanted the internet I had to go to the library or visit a friend. Shit, that sounds so much like: "back in my day"... that's exactly what it is. Whatever. When I didn't have the internet I was forced to be a bit more creative. More focused and well, find stuff to do. I most certainly wrote the most back then. To the slightest degree I may have even been happier. It's when myspace struck that added facets were added. Some good, Some bad.

Point is, excess seems to be becoming more and more available for everything. Some people need to live a little bit simpler. As long as it helps me foster happiness I'm fine with that.

Btw, it's 70 degrees out right now. Hope you get to- or were able to enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

In a blogger account far, far away.

Greetings anyone who should stumble upon this modest text. How have you been? Ya look great!

So. I can't recall what I last spoke about, nor can I recall on which platform it was published. All I know is I have a handful of unpublished audio journals that the SoundCloud app would not upload for some reason. So let's start anew shall we?

The new year's begun! It's been pretty stellar with the exception of the wicked wizard of Washington and his flying monkeys. Anyways! I'm about 2/3 of the way through this semester and have maintained A's thus far! The classes aren't tough though, so a feat this it not- but happy, I am!

Enough Yoda talk.

I've had a handful of 'meant to be' moments already. And I've discovered some fun facts about myself. Such as, My blind taste testing of college courses won't totally go to waste. The way I've discussed it with the school advisor I'll be transferring to the University with 3 associates degrees.  One is in Occupational studies, one is in liberal arts, and the other (which aligns with my path) is in social work. My associates from my current school will transfer and account for at least half of my bachelors at University. It's really quite exciting. I want it, I can feel it in me. This is achievable and my heart gravitates towards it.

But then there are the other revelations I've encountered. I have an addictive personality. Food, porn, and spending. Funny thing is these are the most common three, at least the legal ones anyway. And although they are legal that doesn't make them any less threatening or life altering. It aids in spinning a revolving door of confusion. It is dizzying as you can't be one hundred percent sure what are your own actual thoughts sometimes.

I'm taking measures. I'm working on subtracting porn use. Which in turn shrinks, if not kills interest in hand fucking. A little vulgar sure, but no need to sugar coat it. I'm noticing pressure points though.

Think about it in this context: (it's sad but bear with me). If a dog has one leg removed, it's going to put more strength on and perhaps enhance the others.

Come to think of it I could have just as easily produced a hydra metaphor instead of figuratively crippling a real animal. Bastard.

But yeah, on Saturday I will be free a total of two weeks! Of porn that is. Unfortunately it's kind of so bad that I have to restrict my Internet use. No, not with parental controls but by simply not using it... limiting my Internet use to its most basic application: knowledge.

I primarily used it for Facebook and porn. Which, I may be wrong but I feel social media and porn are the most accessed things on the Internet. I cut out Facebook really easy. Simply, I don't need to know about people all day everyday or lose my head in it.

Anyways I'm sure there's more worth mentioning, but I'll take to that later hopefully. Now that I am using the app I don't necessarily have an excuse not to lol.

Have a Happy Thursday!