Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Woop Dairy is!!!!

 I've been entertaining myself with that this morning. Picturing some doctor responding "Whoop dairy is!" after his patient saying that dairy is a little confusing. He's also doing the whole raising the roof thing with his hands. This has not been something I've had happen or even seen on T.V.... just from my brain.

For the overall good I'm going to limit these to writing for a half hour again.



  1. I went back to vegetarianism
  2. My guy and I made it our first year <3
  3. went to the rock and roll hall of fame.
  4. I did my first 5k
  5. I went to my first nudist place.
  6. I did some other things I wouldn't have normally done.. did. and happy I have.
  7. went to chicago
  8. Started music classes
  9. Had my first small publishing and open mic night. 
  10. Moved into a great place!


  1. I caught a flu at the beginning of the year (I rarely get sick so I wuss out when it happens)
  2. Wisdom tooth extraction
  3. new piercing ;p
  4. over 10 visits to the eye doctors due to a messed up eye.

I'd say the pros out weigh the cons


I plan to be more proficient of course. 
  1. I plan on getting rid of the little bit of excess weight I picked back up. 
  2. teaching discipline in other places than food especially music.
  3. trying out hosting an hour on my school's radio station.
  4. Self-publishing the stuff I have and getting more involved with the poetry scene out here.
  5. keeping strong organization
  6. getting that drivers license that my eye has kept me from working on.
  7. going to other groups, trying out going to the dungeons and dragons night at vault
  8. producing stuff more frequently in the way of music- 
  9. Putting up profiles on sites only for the music.
  10. & others


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