Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dear DIEary

Love a horrible pun ^_^

Last weekend- with the kids- was... GREAT lol. The  one that could talk kept on saying how much fun she was having. I died on sugar and was resurrected only by my will till learn electronic music score.


that's about it really... that and practicing- testing new things- researching- listening- looking for the advice and stories of those I look up to. I've gotten significantly better all ready... very little acquired from my current music class but... I tend to learn things at my own rate... I learn far better through hands on trial and errors more than anything. My eyes glaze over the more I have to listen and not do. I'm getting the habit of practicing every day- it's becoming as vital as my work outs for me. I get fairly antsy if I don't do it or feel I have not made much progress. ..  but for the most part I get lost in it ! -My favorite part is more so sound design than music as I have no former experience composing. For never having played an instrument, for never knowing how to sight read etc. I read an article on a VERY prestigious composer by the name of Hans Zimmer. He admits to not knowing how to play instruments or how to read music for that matter... or at least in the beginning. yo pick up things... learn them by habit.

This week is your 25th Bry- but you're a zombie now so, alls you have to worry about is rotting really. I guess you might have to worry about eating the brains of your new friends boyfriend too.. no matter how much of a good idea it sounds like at the moment. Really though, I am not a fan of the aging process, majority aren't but I reserve my own special reasons. I feel that this is the first of many years that I am finally reaching for things that I want and need to get done... even when in apathy or melancholy I'm still crawling. But the fear is doesn't lie with the aging... that's inevitable. It's with the rush to catch up with myself and where I want to be for my age. I spent many years barricaded and stagnant. Now I'm just barricaded ;p. I often think about how I would feel about myself from a younger age. What I mean is How would I view me at age 8? A decade ago? Would they feel that I held true? Did I live up to what I believed to want. Ideas and concepts of self are always shifting.. always evolving with our bodies. Somehow though, I always know what and who I am to be.. When you're younger it's easier to let that be. When I knew various things about myself that I wanted ... still want. I knew I wanted nipple rings... check... I knew I wanted eye contacts- check. I knew I loved pale skin and petite bodies, tattoos, colored hair, and Halloween. To a degree my life has felt like one big day. that's why my long term memory is vast... many points in the past I can remember the most random of details, and how I felt during them. I've had feelings I always have ever since I can remember. Of course there are the many ailments that came with 24 for me.

But 25 is generally a good year I hear. I hear between the ages of 25 and 26 men are supposed to have fully developed brains. Which helps solidify most ideals, and concepts... or make them harder to shrug off, good and bad I guess. Organization is supposed to become better along with other executive functions. I have been feeling these things grow in myself. Adoration.

Last Paragraph.

this month escapes me... I love it... but it is fleeting. It doesn't feel like it normally does for me. Not in a bad sense.. not at all. Just a calm. I'm actually a little more entertained by Dia De Los Muertos - the Spanish variant of Halloween- celebrating the sweet shortness of life in vibrant color and togetherness just beautiful. this weekend is Halloweekends and a day with Mi Madre. Good stuff, and the next Maybe pumpkins with a friend. Then the art show. yup that's my Halloween. Oh and I might go to a nudist place again once more before fall is through.  I will get myself a couple of gifts... because I know what I want... probably some more music software, and a random nick knack.

October <B

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