Monday, August 4, 2014


YAY! seemingly back to normal! I have swelling still that's a given but... I've been holding my food down. I don't think my body was used to that much sugar being pumped into it though. That was the most sugar I probably consumed ALL year! I was trying to hold that out for October!! gah! lol Anywhosit.... 

I ate some taters as I said. I ate some soup today, and I kinda chewed ^-^. Ummmm I really think that the potatoes and the  sleep helped nurse me to this point. But yeah now I can get back to getting all the things I want to try to accomplish done. When I get to a better place, (next week at the latest) I hope to start setting personal deadlines for myself. For an added boost of that self accomplishment stuff I am in search of.

I can't think of much more for the moment besides I have to drag myself into studying. I haven't been able to all weekend and I need to This is the tight rope on which my financial aid is balanced on. while I get how to do all of the stuff on the quiz, I don't know how to show all of the work! The practice test I got done in like 10-15 minutes tops. The grand thing about my teeth getting pulled out and my final is I knocked off two of the last major goals for this year. I only have like one remaining - To learn to drive. 

3 things I'm looking forward to :

  1. The end of math today.
  2. regaining my strength
  3. My pseudo summer vacation 
Song of the day : Jack White - I guess I should go to sleep 

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